Frequently Asked Questions

What are the inclusions within the fee?

I include face-to-face meetings, unlimited phone and email support, a rehearsal and a signing table and two chairs for the ceremony. Head to my packages page for pricing and descriptions of individual packages.


Can your Celebrant travel to your chosen destination? Will there be an extra fee for travel?

The fee for Sweet Basil Celebrant includes travel throughout the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie area. The total fee for a wedding in the Maitland area, Hunter Valley and Nelson Bay weddings are $50 extra, this will be added to whichever package you choose. Travel fees outside of these regions may be negotiated directly with the couple.


Does the Celebrant require a deposit? Is it refundable if you cancel or change your mind?

I require a deposit of $100 at the initial meeting which covers; lodgement of all statutory forms, your ceremony selections booklet and remuneration for my time during the meeting.   Yes, the deposit is fully refundable if you change your mind prior:

       -to filling out the forms with me that are necessary for the marriage to go ahead

       -to being provided with your ceremony selection booklet

NB: if either of these two steps have taken place, your deposit will not be refunded

Your deposit will be refunded in full:

       -if for any reason, I am not able to officiate on the day of your wedding (even after Notice of Intended Marriage and ceremony selections have been completed)


What is the fee structure with regards to payment?

As stated previously, the deposit is required to cover my fee for our meeting, filling out all statutory forms and providing you with your ceremony selections booklet, with the balance (fee for ceremony) payable one month prior to your wedding day – this is nicer and often more convenient than chasing each other for payment on your most important day – your wedding day.


Will the Celebrant let you specify ceremony details such as: rituals, readings, and vows? Can you include religious prayers if desired?

You have total editorial control over the content of the ceremony. I will provide you with a booklet that has sample ceremonies, readings, poetry and will guide you as to what must be included into the ceremony, by law. Yes, you may include a prayer if you wish – this is important when two families are uniting through a marriage and may often have different values. You can ask a family member to read the prayer if you decide to include one in the ceremony.


Can our children be an active part of the ceremony? How can they be included in the ceremony?

Yes, your children can be an active part of the ceremony.  They can be included in several ways, according to their ages – consult your celebrant for more information


Does the celebrant have a microphone system? Will our guests hear all of the ceremony?

Yes, I operate with a cordless PA system that has 2 different microphones, therefore you’ll have a separate microphone for yourself and your partner when saying your vows- it will be sanitised before each ceremony, with excellent quality in sound.


Is the Celebrant available for a rehearsal? Will an extra fee be applied?

Yes, I include a rehearsal in my fee.  While it is not compulsory, I recommend the rehearsal, especially when the ceremony is going to be videoed.  This rehearsal is held for the bride, groom and celebrant in the first instance, although if you would like your bridal party present, their involvement will be welcomed. Just be aware that it is not essential for the bridal party to be present at the rehearsal. A rehearsal also means that on the day of the ceremony, you and your partner can concentrate on each other and not worry about ‘what comes next’ in the sequence of service.  If the person ‘giving away’ is concerned about their role on the day, then you are welcome to bring them along to the rehearsal.


What paperwork do we need to provide when meeting the Celebrant?

In order to complete the NOIM, you will need to provide positive identification (e.g. Driver’s License in addition to your birth certificate to confirm place, date and name at birth.) If you don’t have a birth certificate, ask your celebrant what other forms of identification are acceptable before the meeting takes place.  If you were born in another county apart from Australia and you have a current passport issued from your country of birth, you can bring that along in lieu of a birth certificate. If you have been married before, you will need to bring evidence of your divorce (this is usually issued by the local court), or a death certificate if your previous spouse has passed away.


What forms will we complete when we meet with the Celebrant?

Once you have appointed me to officiate at your wedding, we will complete a “Notice of Intended Marriage form”.  This form needs to be completed (with appropriate identification supplied) no less than one month before the actual date that you are planning to be married and can be filled out up to 18 months in advance of your wedding date – this is according to Australian Law. 


Are there any other additional charges? Is the amount quoted a fixed price?

There will be no other charges incurred apart from the total fee quoted. Yes, the price quoted to you is a fixed price – this is my guarantee to you.

Can the celebrant order our official Births, Deaths and Marriages Certificate? Will there be a fee for this?

No, I don’t apply on your behalf for the official marriage certificate which is issued by Births Deaths and Marriages.


What can I do if I am not happy with the celebrant?

If you are not happy with any aspect of the ceremony you should speak to your celebrant in the first instance if possible.  If this is too difficult, you can contact the Attorney General’s Department and speak to someone through their email.


Ask yourself if you feel comfortable with the Celebrant? Does the Celebrant seem interested in you as a couple? Do you like this person?

These are questions best answered after you have met with the celebrant.  I offer an obligation free meeting because I understand that sometimes meeting with and talking to the Celebrant is an important part of actually ‘deciding’ on who will conduct the wedding ceremony for you.

Please note: these prices are effective until end of 2025